Myts and Beliefs: Since daguerrotypes were rendered on a mirrored surface, many spiritualists also became practitioners of the new art form. Spiritualists would claim that the human image on the mirrored surface was akin to looking into one's soul. The spiritualists also believed that it would open their souls and let demons in. Aborigines believed that taking one's picture took part of one's soul away.

CndBosphorus: Away from the eyes, away from the heart. My Photos of Bosphorus...
About Me: I am a freelance editor... I am the author and creator of the online blogs, CndBosphorus and IstanbulDailyPhotos, where I write about my daily city-life and post to share my photographs, and sometimes videos, songs about Bosphorus in Istanbul. I welcome any constructive criticism, advise and comment. Please let me know your thought. Please click photo to enlarge for better detail...
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