Do You Know How Much Time Had Gone By?

It was probably around 3 000 years ago that people first began making things to help them measure the passage of time. Having observed the shadows move around trees as the sun moves across the sky, someone drew a circle and put a stick in the center.

Time is... It's dove o'clock! Puh hu!!!

Of course, a sundial did not work at night or cloudy days, so men kept inventing other ways to keep track of time. One invention was a striped candle.
A water clock was another way of telling time.
Candless and water clocks helped people know how much time had gone by. But candles had to be remade, and water clocks had to be refilled. So, after glass blowing was invented, the hourglass came into use.

Time is... It's bolt o'clock! Haydee! Çay simiti, çay!

Finally the first clock with a face and an hour hand was made. Watches came into use as soon as clocks were made small enough to be carrried.

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